The bar chart shows resumpived time spent in billion minutes. This bar graph shows phone calls in the United Kingdom, from 1995 to 2002.
      Overall, local calls were the most popular over the whole period, while national and international calls and calls mobile second and third respectively.
      Minutes spent local calls osillated over the time period, with over 70 billion minutes in 1995, approxinately 90 millions in 1999 and the decrease was to just over 70 billion minutes in 2002.
      National and international calls increased steadily year by year, from just under 38 billion minutes in 1995,just over 61 billion in 2002.
     Mobile minutes were increase repidly haste approximately 3 billion in 1995 to around 45 billion in 2002. Mobile phone usage was almost double from 22 billion minutes in 2000 to 40 billions in 2001.
     In my opionion, in the United Kingdom people use phone calls more than other calls types.


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